Saturday, November 17, 2007

What were they thinking????

As some of you might already know, Baron von Bulldog has his very own blog, where he's just made a series of posts, called the 'style guillotin'. In these posts, he critisises some Norwegian celebrities, and their sense of style. And I'll admit that some of the celebs he's focused his attention on are not the most stylish. However, I thougth that there had to be people out there even worse...(maybe except for Hank von Helvete....). So, after a stroll around town, these suspicions of mine were really confirmed. And...I lived to tell the were these people thinking? And those shoes....I really hope they won't be as popular as manolos anytime soon :)

Update: Clearly, the idea of having a flock of horses running around ON your huge rear is a really, really bad idea. However, my husband actually encountered smth even worse the other day...

How can I even bring myself to share the horror with you? He saw this middle aged woman , wearing a red fleece far not so bad...Ok...let's can I put this in a not too horrifying way? The pattern of the jacket was actually dalmatians. And they were huge. Clearly not real dalmatians, but still! If I had only had a picture of it. Not sure my brain can completely conceptualise what I am hearing.....Just thought I'd share the pain :)

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